Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dumbass Me.

Yesterday was the baby's last day of high school. EVER. She was there for 45 minutes taking a test, then it was over. Done. ...I've been driving her for the last year and a half, ever since we bought the big house and moved into another zone... she kept her end of the deal and stayed out of trouble so the district let her finish up with her buddies. SO. This morning, I get in the car and drive on in to town, and had the phone in my ear trying to catch up to OldestDaughter, ...first time we've talked since the air force put her back on night shift. I realized as I got off the interstate that I'd driven on almost ten miles past my office and took the exit for the high school instead of coming straight to work DUH. ...this having all grown children stuff is obviously going to take some practice!


  1. here is one for ya,,,,, my oldest is going to be a single mom and my 20 year old is looking ot move to New Mexico.. has a job interview on the 1st,,, HELP

  2. Tell your daughter congratulations. In time your auto pilot will reset itself.

  3. Hey, not sure if this is you - but if it is, I miss you!!

  4. HEY I MISS YOU,, we need to update our lives... email me will ya

  5. ok I am getting TIRED OF WONDERING WHERE YOU ARE!!!!!!
